Post your videos of you and your car playing out in the snow!
I will keep this top post updated with all the submissions so people won't have to go digging though the whole thread.
Some words of wisdom from our very own Old Guy!
Quattro warning
It's that time of year again. Fun in the snow with Quattro! Unfortunately, every winter along with all the fun comes a new crop of broken power steering pumps and crumbled fenders. So here are a few words of caution for all of you younger guys getting your first real taste of the magic of Quattro:
A clean parking lot covered with powder can be exquisitely fun. Just be careful that you don't get carried away doing donuts with your steering wheel at full lock in either direction. All it takes is a few seconds at full lock with your motor cranking hard to trash your power steering pump. A hour of fun can cost you mega $$.
Now on to crumpled fenders. I finally got my car dug out around noon today and headed out onto a back road where I live. The road was plowed but still covered with a few inches of packed snow. Even after 6 years and 120K miles I am still amazed at how stupid fast I can accelerate on packed snow or slush. The downside is your brakes and tires don't give a damn about Quattro when it comes time to stop. All season tires won't stop any better on an Audi than a Neon. It is very easy to overdrive your car when it seems to go so effortlessly. Find a nice stretch of snow covered road where you can pick up some speed and then test out your ability to slow down as quickly as possible. Keep that in mind when you are playing in the snow.
So be careful out there and have fun!
I'll get it started.
ADDED 12-18-08:
Vinny.dtw: - just grabbed this one from the other thread, i'll remove it if you woudl like Vinn, just let me know.
A4_ever: - again, just grabbed this from that other thread, i'll remove it if you woudl like, just let me know.
Aaaudiprotein: - Thanks for the addition!
ADDED 12-19-08:
Brownstud08: - Fun on ice!
Eurogruppe: - Facebook account required.
ADDED 12-22-08:
Molotov: - Don't feel left out, you got a space on the snow thread!
Trev: - Nice job, wish i had that much room to play around in.
ADDED 12-23-08:
Jgood2709: - Playing in California snow.
Ngng: - Winter autox, looks like so much fun!
Dolphin18T: - Slipping around in some nasty weather.
Bananas: - "3 part series (note my driveway is steeper than it looks in the video)"
--Lake course from inside the car:
--Skid pad on the lake, drifting:
--Parking lot drift:
Kneel: - "it was my wife's baby shower and i was bored! also it was my parents lawn"
Badcopnodonut: - Awesome video, great quality, excellent editing job. Dont' know whos video this is, as always if it is it belongs to you and you want me to remove it just let me know.
ADDED 12/22/09
Matteeee: some nice slides.
ADDED 1/13/10
EUROaleksey: easy way to turn around.
Layzie: "I like to call this video SNOWCORDION"
Operator: "Not a video of me, just one I found on youtube."
B6JoeA4: 3.0 Snow Fun
ADDED 1/14/10
Tihi_Quattro: sliding around
**"Video a month old. My car is silver-blue 1.8T Quattro B6. Audi Club Croatia snow play..."
--former car, A4 '99 2.8 Quattro
ADDED 4/14/10
HAHAYEAH - HAHA's A4 and an R32 sliding around
ADDED 10/21/10
Scrwedtxboy31 - "Sorry for the language of my esteemed colleague hahahah"
ADDED 1/20/11
Scrwedtxboy31 - "Sorry for the language of my esteemed colleague hahahah"
ADDED 1/12/12
iamshayan - Snowy Donuts