Based on your findings, it sounds like your clutch is dragging. Could be due to the pilot bearing failing (although they using seize after warming up, not the other way round), detritus on the clutch plate / pressure plate / flywheel facings (oil, dust build-up, general crap), incomplete disengagement - I'd go with this last one because it's the one that would ease as the clutch heated up and loses (a little) clamping force. Not sure how easy it is to check disengagement visually, but the other two definitely require removing the transmission so you can take a look. For an "out-there" possibility, the clutch driven plate is directional so if it was possible to install it the wrong way round, that could be a contender too. Does it vibrate at all? If so, then I'd also suspect poor pressure plate fitment. Last item I can think of is if the adjuster is mis-set. New pressure plate should be at the beginning of the adjustment but perhaps yours was not?