Backstory: I've owned my S4 the past several years (bought used with 140k miles on her) and since purchase it had the front end noise. Well no big deal as I planned an entire overhaul. I changed out the entire front suspension and steering last summer with new/ updated parts (034 street compete control arm kit, Hotchkiss sport rs4 sway bars, 034 spherical links, Bilstein yellow struts, and all new hardware), as well as all upgraded drivetrain mounts fron to back (@ 150k miles). Well luckilly the noise was still there, and same as always. A "clunk" style rattle similar to a bad strut or bushing typically at lower speeds (< 60 mph) and on bumps coming from the right side (in addition to the typical "clank" of the pads under initial braking from a bad brake pad spring, but I already know that problem and planned the fix). . So several times I tore the front down, inspected, and re-torqued everything per the Bentley manual with no luck..until...
So I just did the brakes because when I did the overhaul the brakes were at about 80% life. When I did, I bought the caliper stiffener kit Tyrolsport makes ( because I had a theory that the noise was the caliper pin bushings being worn and the caliper was rattling on the hardware. All I did was change the pads (OEM), pad springs (OEM), swapped out the pins/ bushings with the stiffener kit, and flushed the fluid.
The noise is gone, I know exactly which roads it would make the noise 100% of the time so since I drive that road twice a day if not more I've been closely paying attention to speed and making sure I hit those same bumps. I can say, I waited 2 weeks testing to make sure before posting this because I know many others here have had this same dilemma and making them nuts too. From the threads I've read it sounds like the same issue. All I can say is give it a try, that kit fixed my issue hopefully will yours too. As for change in brake feel, I can't say I notice any change whatsoever.