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  1. #1
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Just replaced CV axle, now ESP kicking in randomly?

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    I replaced my driver side CV axle today and took it for a test drive. ESP kicked on at random a few times and I lost all power. Since this happened immediately following the CV replacement, I'm sure it's not MAF related, which I've heard can also cause it. Does anyone have any ideas why ESP is kicking in?

    I've been trying to get this car in decent shape to sell for at least 6 months, and right when I get close to having it sorted, more shit breaks!!


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  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings vavJETTAw36's Avatar
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    Tone ring.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    I've been dealing with buzzing brakes for years (abs kicking in). Are you thinking it's the tone ring on the new CV axle? Any way to get this to not happen?

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  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings vavJETTAw36's Avatar
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    Just replaced CV axle, now ESP kicking in randomly?

    Have you checked the abs sensor?? Monitor it in vcds

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    I have and received the message "No fault codes found" when scanning the ABS module specifically.

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  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings Yuppie's Avatar
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    Had a similar issue and a friend narrowed it down to the tone ring.
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  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings
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    I had similar issues with my ESP, however, it only happens when I full throttle it. When I do this the ESP light on the dash would flash and power would cut on/off. I unplug the fuse, I believe it's #42, for a couple of days and plug the fuse back in, and ever since the ESP light doesn't flash every time I punch it. I don't know why it stop, perhaps by unplugging the fuse it reset the memory banks.

    Try unplugging the fuse and see if that works.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by cityfox View Post
    I had similar issues with my ESP, however, it only happens when I full throttle it. When I do this the ESP light on the dash would flash and power would cut on/off. I unplug the fuse, I believe it's #42, for a couple of days and plug the fuse back in, and ever since the ESP light doesn't flash every time I punch it. I don't know why it stop, perhaps by unplugging the fuse it reset the memory banks.

    Try unplugging the fuse and see if that works.
    I will try this. Yesterday, I picked up a socket and cinched down the bolt holding in the axle as tightly as I could (the replacement bolt was a hex head and I didn't have a big enough socket for it, so I had to use a crescent wrench initially). After cinching it down, I took it for a drive, and it drove like crap. I thought I was going to lose all stopping power with how bad ABS was kicking in. Then I took it on a 45 mph stretch of road and my ESP light flashed, then went solid. I only regained power after I slowed to 10-15 mph. Now the ESP light is solid.

    Any ideas? Could this be due to using a non-OEM CV axle? I've replaced my wife's allroad CV axle with the same brand and didn't have any problems. Thoughts?

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  9. #9
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Did the axle have the tone ring on it? I've seen a few missing it. If you have the push in style ABS sensors give it a couple taps with a mallet to make sure it's fully seated.

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Four Rings Tjtalan's Avatar
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    I have seen cheep axles with the tone rings off center. Never got faults just a slight variation in wheel speed is all it takes.
    Last edited by Tjtalan; 07-15-2016 at 10:35 AM.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nichtknicken View Post
    Did the axle have the tone ring on it? I've seen a few missing it. If you have the push in style ABS sensors give it a couple taps with a mallet to make sure it's fully seated.
    Good suggestion. I'll get the car up on jackstands and give it another go. It's possible I rushed the job. Thanks for the help. I did verify that the tone ring is present, but the fitment did seem a little different compared to OEM. Maybe it's just me.

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