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I had similar issues with my ESP, however, it only happens when I full throttle it. When I do this the ESP light on the dash would flash and power would cut on/off. I unplug the fuse, I believe it's #42, for a couple of days and plug the fuse back in, and ever since the ESP light doesn't flash every time I punch it. I don't know why it stop, perhaps by unplugging the fuse it reset the memory banks.
Try unplugging the fuse and see if that works.
I will try this. Yesterday, I picked up a socket and cinched down the bolt holding in the axle as tightly as I could (the replacement bolt was a hex head and I didn't have a big enough socket for it, so I had to use a crescent wrench initially). After cinching it down, I took it for a drive, and it drove like crap. I thought I was going to lose all stopping power with how bad ABS was kicking in. Then I took it on a 45 mph stretch of road and my ESP light flashed, then went solid. I only regained power after I slowed to 10-15 mph. Now the ESP light is solid.
Any ideas? Could this be due to using a non-OEM CV axle? I've replaced my wife's allroad CV axle with the same brand and didn't have any problems. Thoughts?
