Im hunting for a true 5 bar fpr. From what i read it cannont be a modified 4 bar or crushed 4 bar. It has to be a actual 5 bar fpr non modified becuase the curve is different with the boost/ vac to it. I know bosch has one that is very hard to find and super expensive B280 550 113/2
I have read alot of stories of problems with the modified ones so staying clear from those.
Does any one use the newer style o34 adjustible fpr? Does it still have the same pressure curve with boost/vac hooked up to it? Or when at 5 bar doesn it respond like a crushed 4 bar?
How about o34s blueprinted 5 bar fpr? Suposivly its not a modified one it is a true 5 bar?
Any help would be appreciated