Ok, so this build has taken a couple years and finally got it to the point where it's close to ready. Just need to get the last couple issues figured out.
Started out, basic stock. had it 6 weeks and the turbo fails. Upgraded to KO4 and then add bosch 040, big MAF housing, AEW intercoolers, injectors, upgraded to the newer coils and eliminated the ign modules from the wiring harness, down pipes. In the process of getting things going, a couple issues, cheap turbos went out and rebuilt with all better parts, head gaskets went out, back fired a few times and the mass air looks like it got burnt but seams to be working fine.
I have it to the point of no codes, runs great... but, not building boost and running way rich.
I'm gonna get a new mass air, and a set of plugs to see what it does then. Any recommendations on which plugs to run?