So, recently I was having an oil consumption issue. About a quart every 600-800k.
Changed the PCV and breather hose to the the new style ones(one with the valve on the breather tube). The ones that is meant for 2007+ cars. Topped off the oil to full and drained oil from intercooler pipes. Yesterday
Today I drove 90 miles. While driving, when I stepped on gas to merge in to the freeway, I noticed dark smoke out of the exhaust. Then, I noticed dark smoke as I step on the gas at around 60mph, no smoke below 50 or above 70. The smoke appeared dark on my rear view mirror through my tinted rear windows, so I don’t know if it as blue or black.
As I am driving home, just around a mile from home, low oil light comes on. So, effectively I burnt 1 full quart in 90 miles. I topped it off to full yesterday.
This is immediately after installing the new PCV and breather tube. WTF.
No CEL, or anything that indicates there is an issue. Gas mileage is same, so I don’t think its the fuel being dumped.
What would be a possible cause? Of this sudden oil loss.
- valve cover? May be the new PCV just completely broke the valve cover that was in its last legs? Does it even make any sense?
- turbo?
I might give it a go with a new valve cover but at this point I am feeling like its not worth it.
I was thinking to keep the car for another year and sell it, but looks like I am going to trade it in this week.
Shall I just throw in towel and trade it in? I have been through this road before with my other car and it was a nightmare.