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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Vibration only at 76MPH

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    I recently purchased a 2013 Audi Q5. Today while driving it we hit 76MPH and got a lot of road noise and vibration started. Literally 1MPH above or below and it seemed fine. We recently drove it home about 9 hours and I never experienced this, but I'm unsure if I ever hit that speed. There's no noise or vibration any other time. The longer I stay at that speed the worse it gets. I did recently get new tires (within the last three weeks and this was after the big trip) and haven't had it on the highway much or at that speed. Logic points to maybe a really particular tire balance issue, but my main concern is my dealer had told me that they had worked on the driveshaft due to a wearing carrier bearing. I'm super concerned this could be related to that and need to act ASAP if that's a possibility of their work.

    Any suggestions on what it could be? I checked tire pressure and they were all within 1-2 pounds of spec. My first step is to take it to the tire shop and ask them to re-evaluate the balancing of the rear tires (I would swap back to front myself but that's a bit of a pain). I hope since I have no symptoms at all other than that speed it's not a huge thing. Also, in before "Just don't drive 76MPH".

    Any comfort at this point would be super

  2. #2
    Active Member Two Rings IsaidWOT's Avatar
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    How long ago was it worked on? Any chance it's still covered by the dealership?
    2003 A6 3.0 quattro

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings Grisho's Avatar
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    I've had the exact same issue and mine was fixed by tire/wheel balancing. So this could be the easy first step. I'll strongly recommend to get them balanced by a good tire shop ( that has a roadforce machine. Are you with the stock wheels? Many of the non stock wheels are softer and deform slightly very quickly after balancing so they can get out of balance quickly depending on roads/driving. What brand tires so you have? Not good quality tires can also deform in weird ways so the wheel/tire combination (that is balanced) also gets out of balance quickly.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Okedokey's Avatar
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    Harmonic frequency is reached at that speed, look into CV and bearings, wheel alignment etc.
    A4 B7 2.0T | HPFP upgrade + FMIC | BSR Stage II + exhaust + HFC | 3.0TFSI Throt. Body | RS4 fuel contr., PRV + S3 inj., G247 + DW300c | GFB DV+| 034 RSB + all arms and mounts | S4 brakes | B12 Bilstein suspension + H&R springs | RNS-E + Polk Audio PA D5000.5 - 4 x DB6502 + DB840DVC sub + Pioneer 10" sub | LEDs throughout | 19" Audi 2015 RS4 rims

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  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings b7_Andy's Avatar
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    This just reminded me of my B7s weird vibration. It does the same exact thing but only at 88 mph, not 1 mph higher or lower. It never bothered me but I've been through 2 sets of wheels and tries, fully upgraded brakes, every suspension component replaced, a couple new poly mounts, new center diff and I think it still does the vibration. None of this was trying to fix the vibration just saying that everything on my B7 has been changed haha. It's weird that it's speed related and not rpm, it can be at any rpm. If you really wanted to do something about it I would suggest figuring out what's vibrating and look into that. I still think it's crazy how only the speed can cause something like this but I kind of like mine lol... It lets me know when I've hit 88 mph.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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