Originally Posted by
Installing the wrong piston rings in every single CAEB motor they sold for over a year and a half sounds like a design flaw to me.
From what I've gathered, the supplier for the pistons were off spec by 0.005-0.008" and the piston rings were cut that much off as well. That's too large of a tolerance to be off from the 'acceptable' tolerances themselves. This is why we saw a lot of blowby and oil being consumed at a high rate. Those that got Stage 1 oil consumption fix only and it resolved the issue, were on the lower part of that tolerance gap where it wasn't affecting them as steep.

Originally Posted by
I've always heard audi says a timing chain should last the lifetime of they car. I've read things saying audi says 100k is the lifeine of the car. Here's my problem with this. My tensioner just went out on my car. So I replaced the tensioner and put the old chain back on just fitting things really. My chain was so stretched that even with the new tensioner the chain still jumped a little. Not bad for turning the motor by hand but bad enough it would definitely cause a problem. So the chain that's suppose to last 100k only lasted about 86k for me. I believe the chain was the ultimate cause of.the tensioner failire
Ryan, this you?
The chain doesn't lead to the tensioner failure. The tensioner fails because it wasn't designed 'well' enough. Take the ring off of the tensioner, flip over the pawl, take a pic and share. You'll see the evidence yourself as to why it fails.
Audi has 'stated' that the timing chain should last the life of the motor; well, I can assure you to not accept that nor go by it. The chain has also been redesigned (wonder why). Not only should you install a new tensioner, but a new cam timing chain as well.