oooo ill play this game!
1. always, always, always figure out stance before wheels. 19''-20'' wheels look terrible on stock suspension.....
2. dont buy springs....just get coilovers (i was guilty of this)
3. dont cheap out and skip the alignment after you put lower suspension on your will be a disaster down the road
4. Dont vape, its stupid and dont be a scene kid
5. dont over carbon fiber your car...its not tasteful
6. dont install a spoiler that is bigger than just a lip
7. dont overfill your oil by using an extractor, thinking you took 5 Quarts out, and then put 5 new quarts will be overfilled
8. dont buy any gas less than 93...its just better octane overall
9. dont buy super cheap tires made by a company you never heard the saying goes, "buy nice or buy twice"
10. Dont buy aftermarket wheels that arent certified JWL or TUV
11. Dont ignore service intervals
12. Dont add additional LED strips to the car, its not tasteful
13. Dont buy anything cosmetic from advance auto parts or Autozone...
14. Dont put an RS4 grille on without the audi rings, it just doesnt look right
15. Dont forget to dip/paint your crashbar when installing a RS4 grille
16. Dont overuse can look tacky (no pun intended)
17. Dont use the same towel/sponge from the bottom of your car to the top
18. Dont use anything other than the 2 bucket method when washing your car
19. Dont ignore the search function in the audizine forums, it is your friend
20. Dont ignore a fellow enthusiast if you see another audi on the road that is tastefully modded. Just a simple nod or wave.... it makes that persons day, and vice versa
21. Dont buy a turbo inlet hose expecting any performance, its strictly to represent your favorite tuner and an excuse to mod another part of your engine bay (im guilty but i never expected performance gains)
22. Dont post info/photos on the forums asking for opinions and then get upset when someone disagrees with you.
23. Dont ignore torque specs, they are important, and the specs are there for a reason
24. Dont buy ground effects kits, these arent JDM cars
25. Dont buy stickers for your car that include words like "hella" or "Dope" or "flush" or "stance" or "dropped" or "dapper".
26. Dont do any trim or console removal without non marring tools, they are worth the investment
27. If buying any used parts from another member, dont forget to check their user history on this forum. If they are parting out, and have only been a member for 2 days, that is a red flag. be careful
28. Dont post that you are thinking of buying a B8 or a BMW, obviously you are getting biased opinions on a Audi dedicated forum
29. When it snows/icing, dont forget to put your wipers in service mode, and pull them off the glass, it helps later on