I was browsing the local craigslist and saw a 2000 S4 with a blown motor. Was listed at $3200, but chassis looked pretty clean, zero rust, texas car entire time. Timing belt snapped and motor was taken apart, heads were off and the shortblock had rust from being open for a year. So needs new motor. Interior was very clean, paint was good with only one tiny dent on edge of hood that can probably be PDR'ed. Car has APR Bipipe, Milltek Sport Exhaust and Stage 2 Tune of some sort. Ended up buying it for $2400, so not too bad.
Found a a6 2.7T engine with fresh timing belt water pump and valve cover gaskets, tensioner gaskets, just redone. Going to pick it up Friday. Not sure for the goals on the car yet. I was kind of an impulse purchase. I already have a 2002 Allroad, will see how it drives with the new motor.
Here are some pics.