Also your opinion is like an asshole... No you are an asshole, wait no... I don't give a fuck about your opinion because this is America and we can all do whatever the fuck we want.
Ratchet (not your gf the actual tool)
-8mm hex (this girthy mother******)
-16mm box wrench or 5/8ths box wrench (I said it was hood, we are going to use some SAE shit on your nazi sled)
-16mm or 5/8ths socket (It is smaller then your mom's vag.)
-Blue thread lock (...for safety, actually I don't give a fuck if you use thread lock or not)
-Caulk gun (too easy)
-Whatever the fuck else you need to get your exhaust out of the way so you can get that limp diff out
-Ramps, jack stands, wood (whatever the fuck gets your POS in the air) Serious Sidenote- don't go under your goddamn car when it's on a lifting device it is not a holding device. It will make you flatter then your GF's chest.
-Also random shit because every other DIY needs some fucking tool they don't list here so I am covering my ass.
3M Window motherfucking weld- this is liquid polyurethane also it comes in your mom's favorite color... black, just like her dildo. It is nasty as fuck it has all sorts of warning that are only applicable in California. So if you are in California be careful.
Here is an motherfucking amazon smile link so you can feel good about yourself. You can contribute to your favorite charity (Sorry, Candy from the strip club isn't an option) and buy car parts.
Serious Sidenote- Wear nitrile gloves and don't get this shit on your hands! It'll be on them for fucking days, and not like the cute oh look you work on your car and have oil on your fingers look. No, it is black plague that is on your hands until the skin falls off.
Window Weld takes some time to dry so your diff mount will have to be out of the car for like 2 to 3 days. NO dumb fuck don't drive it like this. You could get a junker diff mount but that will bring the project cost over what I promised you, you cheap fuck.
1)Get your Nazi sled up on some sort of supports.

2)Get your exhaust out of the way. You can just drop it down.
3)The diff mount is on the drivers side numb nuts.

4)Unscrew the 3 8mm bolts out of the bottom of the diff. (spoiler alert- the diff is lose now and will fall towards your face)
5)Take out the 16mm bolt running through the rubber mount.
6)Great success!

7) Support your diff because it won't have it's butt buddy mount for a while.

8) Clean it ya filthy animal.

9)Let it dry up like your grandma's clam.
10)Now time for the fun stuff. Pop the tab of the window weld throw it in the caulk gun. Lay down a small bead deep down inside the mount. (Yes, both sides are okay, the goop is thick enough for DP.)

10)Let it dry for an hour. repeat until full. (Something something your mom's holes) Now you have a choice you can be a fancy mother ****** and try to sculpt it so it look is like some OEM+ shit or you can not give a fuck.

11) Let it dry for a few days and throw that bitch back in there and enjoy your stiff diff.
Imgur album because the pics are large as fuck
Fuck your couch,

Mods: move this to DIY or tech or whatever the fuck we call it if you feel the need
edit: spelling crap
edit 2: unfixed it... or did I fuck you I don't need a reason