My car just sprung a pretty big coolant leak. The leak only starts after the car has been running for ~15 minutes or so, and then it starts pissing it out from somewhere at the rear of the engine towards the middle of the car at a pretty good rate. To give you a rough idea of the leak's speed, I'd guess the coolant tank would be empty within 15 minutes after it starts to leak.
It literally does not leak a single drop when the car is just sitting with the engine off, nor does it leak at all until after the car is warmed up.
I have looked at the rear of the engine but cannot spot the leak from above, nor can I see it from underneath as the bellhousing is in the way. I plan to go in and delete the aux water pump, but I'm not sure if that could leak at this rate or if the leak not starting until the car is warmed up makes sense in that scenario.
Any ideas? Thanks!