Hi Guy's,
First post and a thousand apologies if I've somehow missed an existing thread on this subject.
I've got a 2010 A4 B8 2.0T @ ~87,000KM's with the dreaded oil consumption issue. Currently drinking anywhere a liter of oil every ~250KM's. She feels like she's misfiring a bit and has obviously lost a fair bit of power recently.
Audi Australia have come back after investigating and it's the old story - you didn't show us loyalty by servicing the car here so we're not going to cover it. I'll get fleet pricing for the repair but that's about it *shrugs*
Audi's solution to this problem is the standard piston/ring replacement as everyone already knows. But, if there is any scoring of the cylinder walls, they reckon the only way to move forward is to replace the entire "Base Engine" which will cost me in the area of $13,000 - $19,000. Of course, i won't know exactly what I'm up here for until i commit to whatever work is required and they strip the engine down for inspection.
I've rung around a few of the more reputable dealerships in Canberra to see if there are any other options available to me and have had a couple of people suggest that i should be looking aftermarket for this work. Apparently i can get a set of Mahle forged pistons, rings etc installed for much less than the original Audi parts and in the event that the cylinder walls are scored, they simply buy over-sized pistons and machine/hone the cylinders for the new pistons. Apparently this is a better solution than going with the genuine parts....?...
Obviously, I'm quite tempted with the aftermarket solution as the forged pistons are well above spec for the engine and would support any future modding. The whole cost factor thing is quite attractive too!
Is there anyone out there in the community that's looked at this or has had this sort of work done?
This is going to be a pretty decent investment regardless of how it plays out and i want to make sure I'm not going to do something I'll later regret if i go for the aftermarket kit.
Also, are there any other brands apart from Mahle that I should be considering here? and, is there any other work that I should be getting done while they've got the engine pulled apart?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks very much in advance,