I have an A118-C. Uses a capacitor instead of a battery, costs under $100, slips neatly and discreetly behind the rear view mirror, and I have it hard-wired into an accessory line.
Image quality is pretty good, not great. Haven't compared it to any other dashcams so it could very well be just as good as all the other 1080p30 options, but it's about on-par from what I'd get with a cell phone video or something. The only real gripe with it that I have is that it has an extremely wide angle lens, so:
A) your speed and the distance between you and the objects around you are a bit off. It always looks like you're going slower than you are and like there's a lot more room between you and the cars around you.
B) Wider angle lens means less information per pixel, so a license plate that may have taken up 300x180 pixels in your video now only takes up 200x120. So it's often harder to make out plate #s than I'd like. Again, haven't compared it to other cams so my expectations may just be too high and this is par for the course.
Other than that though it's a great cam.