2001 Audi B5 A4 2.8L
185xxx miles
5 speed
Sometimes, my car has a smooth idle, other times it has a mild idle, sometimes it has a ROUGH shudder and keeps bobbing up and down around 850-800rpm
I used a VAG-COM on for my CEL when the rough idle began, about a month ago, and i had a cylinder 2 misfire.
I waited a week for my next pay period, and by the time i was about to buy the parts, my CEL went away, and I had no CEL (disappeared by itself?)
Over the next few weeks, my CEL would appear and disappear on its own (perplexing me)
2 weeks ago, I use techron and fill it up while pumpin gas, my CEL goes away and the idle isnt apparent anymore. That lasts for a bit over a week, and this week the idle has returned.
Should I just get the coilpacks and save time? any suggestions?