Hey guys,
I drive an 01.5 tip and I have just now noticed a strange thing that happens when I accelerate. I think I may be able to answer my own question but if it's true this the Audi engineers are retarded.
Okay, so when I first start my car I let her warm-up usually for a good 3-5 minutes. When I start driving, I'm very careful not to go into boost until my oil temp is at 175 (at least) so I basically granny accelerate until everything's good to go. Here's where I notice a potential problem: I apply a small, yet constant, supply of throttle. If I watch the revometer, it will sputter up and down as im accelerating. Best example I can give would be I am in 2nd and all the way from 800-2200RPM's the needle will inch up, inch down, then move up further in the range, then inch up, inch down, and move up slightly higher. The car seems to accerate relatively smoothly but I can hear the engine sort of going up and down slightly in tone as the RPM's are jumping up and down. When the needle is going up and down (and slow in the direction of moving upwards overall) the needle will only drop 100 RPM's then proceed to move up.
The problem goes away as I get past 2200RPM's in any gear. Change gears and it's same issue again. If I apply more gas then the needle is a steady increase and no sputtering, so, that's why I thought I could answer my own question. Maybe Im not supply enough gas BUT I know it's enough to actually get me going. Maybe 20% throttle if I had to guess. Any TIP guys have this same issue?
I have not changed my tbelt yet. Will be doing that in two weeks.