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Thread: CV boot

  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    CV boot

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    Changed my oil last night and noticed my outside driver CV boot is ripped. I know I have to replace it and already ordered the fix it kit. Problem is I have a lot of driving I have to do over the next two weeks, and not a lot of time to do this fix. From what I gather its a 1-2 hour process for someone like me that never has done one on this car. So is this something that is quick/easy enough to go through in one freezing night, or should I just pay someone to do it?
    Village Idiot!!!


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  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: CV boot

    From someone who knows absolutely NOTHING about the mechanics of cars (me), I follow one simple rule. People make good money working on cars because they know how to. That being said, I remind myself that I DON'T! I've even done CV boots before, but I wouldn't trust doing one on my Quattro. God knows how much that system, or even a half shaft would cost to replace! Good luck either way you go with it!

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    Re: CV boot

    I mean dude, I'm not scared to do it. Just a lack of time, and the fact that its cold as hell outside. I'll probably just tackle it tuesday night or something. The write up on AW seems pretty straight forward. I was more concerned about surprises that I might run into.
    Village Idiot!!!


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  4. #4
    Active Member Four Rings kingofnyc's Avatar
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    Re: CV boot

    Quote Originally Posted by Stampy View Post
    I mean dude, I'm not scared to do it. Just a lack of time, and the fact that its cold as hell outside. I'll probably just tackle it tuesday night or something. The write up on AW seems pretty straight forward. I was more concerned about surprises that I might run into.
    Frozen pinch bolt is the hardest thing for most people. I did a lot of cv boots for people. 1-2 hours to do. Not that hard, just make shure you torque everything to spec and dont demage the abs sensor.

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    Re: CV boot

    Quote Originally Posted by Stampy View Post
    Changed my oil last night and noticed my outside driver CV boot is ripped. I know I have to replace it and already ordered the fix it kit. Problem is I have a lot of driving I have to do over the next two weeks, and not a lot of time to do this fix. From what I gather its a 1-2 hour process for someone like me that never has done one on this car. So is this something that is quick/easy enough to go through in one freezing night, or should I just pay someone to do it?
    You'll be fine, I drove with a torn CV boot for a month until it was replaced. Just make sure not to make hard U-turns.
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  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    Re: CV boot

    thanx for the input guys. I'll let you know how it goes, and hopefully not have problems with the pinch bolt.
    Village Idiot!!!


    lots of rings in my garage


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