Hey guys... I was browsing the DIY threads and came across a question concerning one of them. It's the City light/ fog light mod that allows you to use your existing fog lights as city lights. Here's the thread..
Ok, so my concer is this; How exactly does this work? I figured the bulb that is in the fog light housing is tinted yellow, therefore making whatever light comes from it... yellow. If the bulb is not tinted yellow, then is there only a certain amount of voltage going to the bulb, and somehow the amount of voltage makes it that color? I could see that maybe by doing this mod that we are providing the fog light bulb with more power, therefore giving it a different color, but I am still unsure. I also followed the link that was in that thread, and the original poster of this idea mentioned using the VAG-COM... which I am unfamiliar with. I'm guessing it allows one to tap into the ECU somehow.
Either way, I'm sort of confused about this write-up, but it does seem kind of cool. Could someone please elaborate for me? I'm a noob when it comes to things like this. Thanks!