TRY HITTING IT WITH YOUR PURSE!!!!! hehe. j/k thats my fav joke at work when some1 cant get a wheel off. Pretty much, just as everyone else said, get a deadblow sledge and hit the back of the wheel. what works best for me is to spin the wheel as you hit it. if you cant spin then go side to side or all around. just make sure its a dead blow, and that you are hitting the back side of the wheel. some people say hit the tire, but ive seen people cause bubbles in the sidewall for this (using ball-peen). and a deadblow isnt going to damage a wheel or at least not much. my buddy at work has a 5 or 6 pound rubber sledge with a 4 foot handle. he calls it thor. ive never needed to use it, but im sure it works. he used to work in ohio, and he said even the worst wheels he's seen only took 1 swing from thor to come off.