More specifically from the front driver's side.
I searched, and everywhere everyone said, "control arms! control arms!" So, I checked all the bushings...
Tie rod:
Metal stuff and other bushings and stuff:
And they all seem to be fine. I jacked the car up and ran my finger along all the bushings I could find and I didn't get any oil. Also, I torqued the wheel bolts as much as I possibly could.
I only notice the clunking noise when I'm driving at 10 mph down my crappy unpaved road and I go over a little bump. It's only on the left side. I think the car drives fine, and I never notice it while cruising or on the highway.
I'm not a suspension expert. Any help is super super appreciated. What's your take?
- Joe
Oh yeah, and the car has <50,000 miles, so it seemed weird that I could be having CA problems already.