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you don't necessarily need a 1000 watt amp just because the type-R can handle 1500watts.
those values are PEAK value. I believe the type-R is around 450 watts RMS...which basically means its 450 watts consistantly.
If you get an amp to match that (say a 400w RMS amp), it will sound great and give you the thump you're looking for. If you're only running the sub off the amp and no speakers, you can get monoblock (or one channel) amp. JBL makes some that are decently priced.
+1 on 1500 being the peak value. Only thing I would slightly differ on is that I've been told to always either meet the RMS rating or slightly over-power the sub. Reasoning for this is that you don't have to turn the gain on the amp to max to get the volume you want. Plus maxing the amp out can result in clipping and then you end up not using the sub to its full potential.
As far as which brand amp to get, I personally like Alpine. They've always given me clear sound and I've never had issues with them. Plus I think they look good too. Another thing to think about is that Alpine usually comes out with a sub and an amp that go hand in hand with eachother. The MRD-M605 for example was made for the Type-R, and more recently they came out with the PDX1.600 which is the replacement for that model.
Edit: Just noticed the under $200 portion. The MRD-M605 can still be bought for less than $200 through eBay. Definately worth it in my opinion.