So i got in my first accident this friday which really sucks balls and I'm at fault cause i hit the guy from behind. So here's the story i was going up a main street about to make a right while behind this guy who is also making a right hand turn. About 15-20 ft behind him in the middle of the turn in the middle of the street the guy in front of me decides its a great idea to come to a complete stop. He gets out of the car and says to me why were you tailgating me, and i say why the &%$# did you stop in the middle of the road for!?!?!?!?! so anyway we didnt go through insurance, he had like no damage only like 100 bucks i gotta give him and here is my car.
and so end of story, my dad knows a body shop guy and always brings him work so im getting it done with out paying for any labor. Only paying for parts and supplies so he breaks even.