i was wondering if anyone has every heard of, used or knows someone who has one of these Apexi super AFC Neo's. granted minus the vtech stuff its got.
the reason i ask, im thinking of going with the K04-SP51 this fall once ive made some money. and im trying to figure out what i should do with tunning. Im a noob when it comes to tuning so i figured id get as much advice as i could. i was going to lemmingwinks a J31 file (cars a 2000, atw), or the speedtuning equivalent, and then i came across this and was wondering if it would be worth looking into. a few things right off the bat, how would something like this get hooked up, just plugged into the ecu? would it even be worth it, or can i tweek all this in lemmingwinks. is there a better product out there that would better suit my needs? am i retarded for even asking about this thing?
plus it might be a little big, but i bet i could fit it where my broken cup holder is. any insight is appreciated, thanks guys.