I have been struggling with finding what my issues are caused by. I failed emissions as 2 of my Readiness monitors won't come ready. I can see using the OBDEleven scan tool which 2 they are: Monitoring of Air Injection and Monitoring of Tank ventilation. It should be noted I did swap out the engine late last summer and aside from having to replace the battery as it sat a very long time, it's been running fine since with no codes. When I say no codes, I mean, yes, a few oops, I didn't plug this in or tighten this hose up codes, but I cleared them and aside from having to replace the battery as it sat a very long time, it ran fine. So I know the system is able to read faults as not only were therre initial faults after swapping the motor, but I did get one or 2 since then. I have put about 12000-1500 miles on it since the the engine swap. I have put about 12000-1500 miles on it since then. So having only owned this car since November 2022, it passed the first emissions, but my 2 year mark was this November and that is when I failed. So as far as I know, I have had this issue since swapping the engine. The car runs fine and I have no DTC's, and yes, the light works. So I researched a bit and found it's possible I have weak OO2 sensors can cause this, but not weak enough to flag a DTC. In my case I was lead to replacing the 2 Upstream (pre-cat) ones. This didn't help. Further diagnostics with the OBDEleven I ran tests and I am getting some errors related to tank leaks. But why no codes?
Here are the screenshots of the OBDEleven tests and scans. Any ideas on what would need repair/replacement?
ZomboDroid_30012025124520.jpg Screenshot_20250131-175817.jpg