Hello everyone!
I created a step-by-step DIY guide for changing the oil and filters by removing the mechatronics in your DSG transmission and rear differential on your B9. I uploaded it to my Google Drive, and I am not planning to move it but feel free to save it.
I started working on cars more than 10 years ago as a hobby. My first car was a tuned B5 1.8TQ (I sold it); after 1 year, my Audi S4 B5 (still has it), and many other cars for friends and customers. This community gave me a lot of knowledge, so I wanted to give something back to you guys, as I noticed there are no proper DIY guides on the internet about this topic. If you like this guide, please give me credit, as I really appreciate it!
This thread is also where you can ask questions about the document or if you are stuck with one of the steps (Forum link in the document). Don't hesitate to contact me in private here or through Instagram or YouTube (links are also in the document).
The DIY guide is posted on AudiWorld and Audizine. Both links are in the document.
The DIY guide link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eRI...ew?usp=sharing
Thank you,