Our cars have a factory defect, remove the oil filter, ~25mm jam nut, oil cooler and you're left with a ~6" pipe protruding out of the oil housing.
When you reslide the coolant housing on the pipe, you'll notice a gap between the OUTSIDE of the pipe and the oil cooler hole...this is were you lose oil pressure.
Reslide off the oil cooler, and get an o-ring kit, and play around with the proper size to block the gap with the o-ring going on first, then oil cooler, jam nut and filter. In addition, I took oil pan gasket maker, and coated the smooth, non-threading portion of the pipe to create a second barrier. First wall of defense is the o-ring, to block the hole, gasket maker is to plug up the chitty tolerances between the pipe and oil cooler hole.
Fired up, increased oil pressure, no more warning or lights.