Hello everyone! Looking to get a little more info before I jump in and get started. I have a 2001 A4 B5 with a 058 1.8t. Currently I am getting a 06A block and AEB head built to put in the car once it’s all ready.
My concerns are,
what sensors would need to be ran through out the motor? Knock sensors, CPS, etc!
What snub mount / oil pan is needed?
Will 06A motor mounts work?
What Coolant Fittings and Lines are needed? Do I need ones from a B6,B5, or Passat B5.5
I plan to still keep working A/C.
I do have a complete assembled spare 06A engine removed from a 2003 Audi B6. With this I have the complete wiring harness, complete accessory bracket, alternator, brackets,sensors,A/C and lines.
The car will be ran on a standalone ECU.
Any info on this topic is appreciated! Looking to find someone who’s completed this swap and can answer the few questions I have left!
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