2001 B5 A4 1.8T 5spd for reference.
Coming home today I pulled into my parking space and went to turn the key to the off position and the car remained running as if I hadn't done anything. I brought the key back up to the on position and brought it back down to off and engine shut off. However following that I was playing musical lights with the cluster indication lights and LCD screen and the position of my driver and passenger door. when the doors were open the cluster lights went away (as if I had shut my doors with ignition off) and when I shut the doors they came on again.. (as if key is in accessory mode) did this back and forth for maybe 20 seconds until the cluster lights were off with the doors shut. I tried to lock the car with the doors shut and the cluster lights on during this and the fob lock button did not do anything. But when I finally got the lights and doors to cooperate the lock worked flawlessly. I came back out to the car about 30 minutes later to grab my backpack and it was acting fine (no key in ignition or anything just opened rear door to grab my bag and locked it up as normal).
My obvious assumption is my ignition switch at my steering column has thrown in the towel at 24 years and 235,000 miles..? Could it be anything else? I will have time this weekend to reassess for sure perhaps a random old car fluke. Was curious on others thoughts or previous experiences that may be identical or similar. Thanks!