I have an intermitted LED on my right side LED, 2013 allroad, 65k miles. Seems like I am getting the internal model error.
02897 - Supply Voltage for LED Module for DRL and Parking Light; Right
012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 8
Reset counter: 242
Mileage: 103410 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2024.07.07
Time: 06:30:50
I have seen the LED replacement thread, but I don't like the idea of different color LEDs due to aging. The price of replacement US spec AFS Bi-xenons is not cool, so I was looking into either europrice OEM ecode versions (nice you can order right-hand drive).
I know it is going to be hard to find used, but I was considering German eBay if I could confirm the part number for the 8.5 Facelift AFS (Curve-lighting) Bi-xenon part numbers for both lights? I have searched high and low on the forums and can't find the P/Ns. AFS is virtually impossible to find on ebay from what I am seeing, but hopeful part numbers would help ensure I am getting the right lights?
Am I missing any other options for lower cost LED housing replacement for facelift bi-xenons with AFS? Any other thoughts. Thanks for any insight you can provide.