By using our REPORT feature it allows our team to easily see the contents of a Thread/Post or Private Message and take necessary actions.
This helps keep the entire Audizine Community safer.
What to look out for (IE: Red Flags)…
1) Join Date - First of all, take a look at an account's join date which is located under their username. Not to say that all new accounts are fake/scam accounts, or that even older more established accounts cannot be nefarious, but it's a quick way to get a sense of who you might be dealing with.
2) Post History - Viewing previous posts an account has made is another quick way to tell if you should be wary. This can be done by clicking their username, then "View Forum Posts". If they've made little to no posts, or posts with very basic/obscure content, this is another red flag that the account might not be genuine.
3) Suspicious Wording or Requests - Here's a list of some common language used by scam accounts. Any of these would be cause for alarm and an indicator that you are most likely dealing with a scam account.
- Request to contact another person via email or phone (IE: SoAndSo has this part, contact them at [email protected])
- Request to take discussion outside of Audizine (IE: message me on WhatsApp, or text me at 555-123-4567)
- Sending money friends/family or to another source
- Avoiding direct questions or requests for photo proof
- Incorrect information or photos
How to Report suspicious Posts, Messages, and Accounts…
1) When using the browser version of Audizine, there is a Report feature on every Post and Private Message. It is a triangle shaped icon with an exclamation mark inside, located at the bottom left corner of the Post/PM box.

EX: Click the thumbnails below to see exactly where the Report button is located, denoted by the red arrow.
- Private Message
- Thread/Post Full Browser
- Thread/Post Mobile Browser
Clicking that icon will bring up a form to submit a report. It is quick and easy, taking less than a minute of your time. This will alert the entire Mod Team straight away, providing us with all of the information necessary to investigate and take action.
2) If you're on the iOS or Android app version of Audizine and unable to log in to the full site, please PM a Moderator or post in the Help & Feedback Forum. We will need the EXACT username of the suspicious account, and preferably a copy/paste of the conversation you've had with the individual.
We hope this helps you better understand, spot, and report these malicious accounts.
When in doubt, do not hesitate to REPORT the account!