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    Senior Member Two Rings alcatranz518's Avatar
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    B7 S4 aftermarket (non-oem), quad tip rear section of catback

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    I know this is a long shot, as I spoke to several exhaust companies and basically camped out in the classifieds, PM'ing folks for over a year...but here it goes.

    I am looking for only the rear section of an aftermarket (Milltek, AWE, APR, FI, Magnaflow, Europa, etc., etc.) catback for the B7 S4 (quad tips). Here's why: I have long tube headers and my "down pipes" if you want to call them that, are welded to 200 cell cats and into a Magnaflow x-pipe.

    Now, I know that I can buy some universal mufflers, weld on some tips and hangers, have some pipes bent, blah blah...but I don't want to go that route when all these companies make very nice setups, already welded up in a fixture and ready to go. If I can get just the rear sections from a catback (that is, mufflers w/ tips and axle pipes that go into the resonators), I can just weld in (or band clamp) the pipes in with little modification and hang the mufflers. Done.

    What am I willing to spend? Well I'm glad you asked It actually depends on the kit, the miles on it, and the condition (incl where its from-ie. the snowy regions). So the price is relative. I can say I know and understand shipping and valuation, so I will be fair and I can tell you I wouldn't come back with "$100" offer or something ridiculous like that. I don't mind spending some money, as I would have that in materials and labor anyhow. I just don't want to pay full price for a catback, then have to salvage the midsection (and partial cost) that I have absolutely no use for, then have to try and sell it while it sits in my garage.

    Thanks for your time everyone!
    Last edited by alcatranz518; 11-29-2016 at 11:08 AM.


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