Boi its been a headache.

Few months ago I had problem, where it fire up just fine in the mornings and will drive just fine if I dont wait to warm it up.

BUT, it seems consistent, soon as like 5-8 minutes go buy it cuts out on me.
What I mean by "Cuts out" I mean.. I'm driving down the road and the whole car shuts of on me. no power nothing

Long story short I found it it was my Coolant temp sensor that is faulting..
After it dies on me, I let it sit for 5 minutes and fires right back up..

If dont let sit , and just pop the hood and disconnect the CTS. Damn thing fires right back up.
I bought a brand new CTS from the dealer. What, 3 weeks ago.

I'm back to the same prolem. got same symptoms today, whole day..
and now, like halve an hour ago.
NOW, it seems It wont fire up even with the CTS Unplugged..

Any ideas? thoughts?

The struggle is real.