Hi all
Ive had my 2002 A4 B6 1.8t (non quattro) for about a year. When I got it, I had an issue with oil pressure due to a clogged up sump. I had that rectified and all was good.
I have noticed the car running a bit sluggish the last few months. Slightly rough idle (nothing crazy), some hesitation when giving it gas from a stop etc. It hasn't been a problem to drive. .
Last couple of days, when coming to a stop, the car has idled to zero and conked out. It has done this to me twice now in the last couple of days. Luckily the second time was as I pulled into my driveway.
So far on both occasions, the car has started straight back up, but did have the battery and ESP lights on. I restarted the engine and both turned off and I drove away fine.
I Decided to get a cheap code tester and it threw out quite a few codes at me. They are as follows
18017 - Crash Shut Down Activated
17887 - Brake Boost Vacuum System - Mechanical Failure
17544 - Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (System too Lean)
17953 - Throttle Valve Controller: Malfunction
16891 - Idle Control System RPM - Higher than expected
16706 - Engine Speed Sensor - No signal
I found the explanations for the codes somewhere online.
Any help greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind i have NO F'ING IDEA about any of this.
Cheers all :)