Hi Everyone! We're going to be closing our BF/CM threads as they're no longer entirely relevant but
Now that the dust has settled, I believe most everybody has been taken care of either by us, or one of our dealers. WOW did things get busy. We agree, of course you shouldn't have to chase down a company in order to complete a purchase but in the case of offering an exceptional special, we got rushed pretty bad. Scratch that,
very bad. Our staff was coming in early, leaving late, and coming in on off days during this period. For a minute there it felt like we were selling the infamous Tickle Me Elmo! Our system got a little overloaded but at the end of the day, did our best to take care of all interested parties.
In the event you did inquire during the sale period but had some issues, please reach out to us. Shoot us an email at
[email protected] or give us a call at 714-442-7916 and explain what happened. We're here to help, really! We had nothing but the best intentions with our Black Friday x Cyber Monday 2016 sale and apologize for any inconveniences experienced as a byproduct of our special. And of course, we appreciate the genuine interest and support of our brand!
Oh, and if you did pick up a set of wheels, please post up some photos in the relevant threads - we'd love to see some shots!