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  1. #1
    Junior Member Two Rings me4tux's Avatar
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    Question Help with any advice - Auto repair shop trying to scam my friend - 2001.5 S4

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    Hi forum members,

    Hope someone can give some advice for a friend of mine.

    5 years ago, I sold my beloved 2001 S4 to my co-worker.

    My friend is not an motor savvy tech guy. A week ago, his car could not start, it wasn't the battery, so he brought it into a "generic" auto shop to get it fixed. This was his mistake, he realises this but it's too late now.

    The scenario now, is such that the mechanic is telling my friend, that he cannot get the bolt off the starter motor and the repair bill is rising fast. The dishonest mechanic is trying to scam my friend by telling him that right now, he has spent over 5 hrs looking at the issue, and will likely charge my friend $1000 for the labor.

    However, he is really just trying to "steal" the car from my friend, because he is offering $1200 to buy the car from him, or my friend has the option of paying him $1000+ for putting all the pieces back.

    My old car which I sold my friend has 034motorsport 3-inch downpipes and a custom tuned computer, rare paint pearl white, and an amazingly well kept interior.

    Does anyone have any advice? Please help us!
    Is there any recourse here ? Say, if my friend paid the mechanic the $1000+, but later sent the car to another reputable shop who ended repairing it for say $800. Does he have the option of going to BBB or some other auto industry organization to get assistance and claim back the $1000 he originally paid to that dishonest mechanic?

    It's a sad reminder to us of the continued existence of such dishonest mechanics out there in the auto repair industry.

    Any advice is most appreciated.

    NOTE: Unfortunately, my friend did sign a "release of liability" form to allow the mechanic to work on his car.

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  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings JustManson's Avatar
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    This is very difficult, but basically needs to go to small claims court.

    Your friend will have to pay the mechanic and tow it out of there if it's not running.

    Make sure he gets a receipt, the work performed and all the old parts.

    Go to reputable shop and have the car repaired properly. Make sure they understand the situation with the other mechanic and document what they had to fix in detail. Along with what the other mechanic may have failed a repair on and they had to resolve.

    Pay them.

    Now go to small claims. Open a case against the other mechanic and shop. Use the receipts and detailed work from the new shop against the old shop. Have all the detailed reports from the new shop to explain what they had to do and how they fixed the car which the other shop could not do or failed fixing causing more issues.

    You do not need a lawyer for this if you keep good records and have all your receipts and detailed mechanics reports. Speak in plain English especially with the mechanical part of the deception. Make sure the judge hearing the case understands in an easy way. Hopefully you can get a win, but it's VERY difficult considering it's one shop vs another shop vs your word vs their word.

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  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings JustManson's Avatar
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    Ohhh most states allow you to sue in small claims for $2500 I think, but you'll have to check in your state gov site. Easy to find

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  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4kamila6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustManson View Post
    This is very difficult, but basically needs to go to small claims court.

    Your friend will have to pay the mechanic and tow it out of there if it's not running.

    Make sure he gets a receipt, the work performed and all the old parts.

    Go to reputable shop and have the car repaired properly. Make sure they understand the situation with the other mechanic and document what they had to fix in detail. Along with what the other mechanic may have failed a repair on and they had to resolve.

    Pay them.

    Now go to small claims. Open a case against the other mechanic and shop. Use the receipts and detailed work from the new shop against the old shop. Have all the detailed reports from the new shop to explain what they had to do and how they fixed the car which the other shop could not do or failed fixing causing more issues.

    You do not need a lawyer for this if you keep good records and have all your receipts and detailed mechanics reports. Speak in plain English especially with the mechanical part of the deception. Make sure the judge hearing the case understands in an easy way. Hopefully you can get a win, but it's VERY difficult considering it's one shop vs another shop vs your word vs their word.

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    He hit it on the money. ^^^^^^^

    Thats probably the only way you can legally try to get your friends cash back

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings vavJETTAw36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a4kamila6 View Post
    He hit it on the money. ^^^^^^^

    Thats probably the only way you can legally try to get your friends cash back
    Steal your car back from that shop.

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  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    I would have just taken the car back when the shop was closed. He can try small claims, but depending on where you live its pretty useless, a court has the authority to order something but not enforce, generally.
    the B5 S4 is like the mafia... there is only one way out!

  7. #7
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    This guy is charging $200/hr?

    Or is he saying $1000 after it's all back together?

    If he can't get the bolt out, I'd say pay him for his time up to this point. Have all the parts put in the trunk and tell him to push it outside.

    If the guy can't tackle a bolt he has no business operating a shop.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, even $100/hr for a generic shop is awful high, especially if he can't handle a starter replacement

  8. #8
    Junior Member Two Rings me4tux's Avatar
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    Thanks JustManson and to everyone else who responded.

    My friend have read all your replies but it seems he has no way out.
    He realized he was trapped/been tricked the moment he offered $1200 for the car. At that point, the realized the he was gamed. :-(

    It's really all sad. My friend has no choice now, but to let him have the car.

    Quote Originally Posted by JustManson View Post
    This is very difficult, but basically needs to go to small claims court.

    Your friend will have to pay the mechanic and tow it out of there if it's not running.

    Make sure he gets a receipt, the work performed and all the old parts.

    Go to reputable shop and have the car repaired properly. Make sure they understand the situation with the other mechanic and document what they had to fix in detail. Along with what the other mechanic may have failed a repair on and they had to resolve.

    Pay them.

    Now go to small claims. Open a case against the other mechanic and shop. Use the receipts and detailed work from the new shop against the old shop. Have all the detailed reports from the new shop to explain what they had to do and how they fixed the car which the other shop could not do or failed fixing causing more issues.

    You do not need a lawyer for this if you keep good records and have all your receipts and detailed mechanics reports. Speak in plain English especially with the mechanical part of the deception. Make sure the judge hearing the case understands in an easy way. Hopefully you can get a win, but it's VERY difficult considering it's one shop vs another shop vs your word vs their word.

    Sent from my iPhone using Audizine
    -----------Current Sig-------------------------------------------
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  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    Steal it back
    the B5 S4 is like the mafia... there is only one way out!

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Four Rings FlyboyS4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by me4tux View Post
    My friend has no choice now, but to let him have the car.
    B.S. If the shop is doing something dishonest the customer has avenues to make things right, they need to be willing to pursue them. Getting suggestions, such as the one above for small claims court, is the first step.

  11. #11
    Veteran Member Four Rings JustManson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by me4tux View Post
    Thanks JustManson and to everyone else who responded.

    My friend have read all your replies but it seems he has no way out.
    He realized he was trapped/been tricked the moment he offered $1200 for the car. At that point, the realized the he was gamed. :-(

    It's really all sad. My friend has no choice now, but to let him have the car.
    That's not entirely true.

    If your friend has any money available an alternative would be offer cash for the parts and some labor and to tow it out.

    It's not a lost cause. But you will have to pay the shop something for their efforts.

    OR as the others have said....


    Your friend has title and it will end up being the other way around. The shop will have to hunt you down. Sue your friend for the money. Still have another shop repair and go though the legal process as a defense vs prosecution.

    Just make sure you do not cut any locks, damage the shop in any way, or cause harm to any other vehicles during the process.

    Showing up with cash and saying I'm not doing business with you. Your not taking my car. And you can get me my vehicle now is a choice.

    Just remember it's not the shops property... and their are laws to protect you as the customer as well.

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  12. #12
    Veteran Member Four Rings FlyboyS4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustManson View Post
    If your friend has any money available an alternative would be offer cash for the parts and some labor and to tow it out.

    It's not a lost cause. But you will have to pay the shop something for their efforts.
    I think this is the best option at this stage. Offer to pay the shop for the 5 hrs of time they've put into the car and take it to somebody else.

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    Veteran Member Three Rings Audi9's Avatar
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    What shop?

  14. #14
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    you can try to deal with him, usually people aren't overtly criminals. Small claims court is your only resource, then the cops to enforce if necessary. All other avenues are pretty toothless to the best of my knowledge. A lawyer can be hired, but it will cost you more than your reward, especially in the bay area.

  15. #15
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiTechS4's Avatar
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    tow the car out to another shop . pay the guy his 5 hours of labor . lesson learned . going the small claims court avenue when the car is fixed if he wants. did he authorize 5 hours of labor ?
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  16. #16
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    I swear to god if he gives up that easy and sells the car when there's numerous replies in here perfectly explaining what to do, then he deserves to lose the car. If you love your car you'll fight for it.

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  17. #17
    Veteran Member Four Rings JustManson's Avatar
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    So what ended up happening?

    I'm curious!

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