So a few weeks back my Audi got broken into.
the a**hats that decided to break into a 14 yr old car thought they could start teh car with a screwdriver and ended up tearing up my key cylinder to the point my key will no longer go into the keyhole.
I imagine that left them mad enough to bust out my driver side windows (yes - both of them)
and to add insult to injury this happened over a rainy weekend which left me unaware that this was happening... for three rainy days!
so when i went to put my trash out... i was greeted with a soaking wet and busted up Audi sitting on my driveway (driveway is in the back of the house) and a good 2 inches of water soaking up the interior of the car. I joined the site to see about what could be done to fix the car. at this point id rather fix it and screw the insurance claim so after looking for a while i have come up with this:
OE Supplier
Ignition Switch; Electrical Portion
2002 Audi A4 QUATTRO (8D type)
JL Ignition Lock Housing
2002 Audi A4 QUATTRO (8D type)
My keys worked fine but the ignition was acting funny so i figured i may as well replace the tumbler and switch.
Do i need to replace the key lock too? i dont see it listed anywhere on autohausAZ? i guess that is what it is called - the silver piece that faces the outside fthe steering colum where you put your key in (please correct me if i am wrong lol)
I am looking a tthe ignition switch and the lock housing - is there anything else i need?
Also how can i get mold off my steering wheel? the car sat out wet and in teh heat so i guess all the oils on the steering wheel decided to grow all kinds of stuff... my steering wheel looks like a freaking chia pet right now! The wife says citrus or lemon oil will restore the leather and get rid of the mold... anyone think this will work?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!