I had ( still have awaiting buyback) a 2011 JSW and used Opti-Lube from day 1. There are very good discussions on the TDI forum on this topic. I have 110k on my JSW and have had zero problems. There are some very good discussions on the advantages of an additive in regard to our fuel pumps.
Barry, like you I just purchased a 2014 Q5 TDI and it is the first thing I put in the tank and every tank. You can get a group buy discount on Opti Lube here
I am a bit surprised that there are not many discussions on the Audi forums in regard to additives. Some will argue its a waste of money, but for a few oz a tank its cheap insurance in my eyes. Highly recommend the stuff.
Good reading on the TDI forum in this regard
Enjoy your TDI...Loving mine so far.