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Call me crazy, but building boost with RPMs is the exact definition of lag, no? You have little boost/power down low and more boost/power at high RPMs. I want that instant power a roots/twin-screw provides. Would be easier if the motor was pushrod, but that would be some crazy shit, to see a german push rod motor.
In the context you wrote, you are referring to turbo lag. Which behaves much differently. At any given RPM, you will have the boost that the blower is making at that specific RPM instantly. Whereas a turbo will have to spool back up to build that pressure back. So with the CFuge, there is zero lag.
What you are referring to is when the power comes in. Roots will have more power down low than up top. CFuge will have more power up top than down low. Like any blower, your pulley ratio is a big part of this.
As far as efficiency goes, you can make the same power on a Cfuge with less boost than it would take with a roots. The Cfuge generates much less heat, so you will have better IATs. That is why we don't even need to intercooler the system on our Stage 1.
Don't get me wrong, the roots style blowers have an allure to them. I love the way they sound (which is why I drive a 3.0T). They both get the job done in their own ways.
A german push rod motor would be cool. However they would also need much bigger displacement to make the power they can now.