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It seems the Ross Tech wiki no longer has this procedure. If I understand correctly one pressurizes the system (power bleeder), cracks the bleeder, runs the ABS/ESP pump via vag com, waits for pump to shut off, closes bleeder, moves to the next wheel. Is that correct? Can anyone who has done this recently share the procedure. TIA
Mine is the 01' w/ESP
No, you only bleed at the driver front wheel for the ABS pump, per the Bentley. Don't necisarily need a power bleeder, but a nice to have.
The driver front wheel should be the last wheel you bleed anyway, so right after I manually bleed the brakes in all 4 corners I do the ABS pump and one last manual bleed on that wheel. Pass Rear > Driver Rear > Pass Front > Driver Front > Bleed ABS with VagCom at Driver Front > Manual bleed Driver Front