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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings glycerine's Avatar
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    South Bay: Mount Hamilton Drive and Lunch [Nov 19]

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    It's been awhile. Time for another drive over Mount Hamilton, with a stop for lunch at The Junction Bar & Grill.
    Current attendee count as of 11/18@5PM: 23 yes, 18 maybe.

    We will meet in the Bank of America parking lot near Highway 680 and Alum Rock. The group will leave this lot by 9AM, heading up Highway 130.

    There will be a stop at the top of Mount Hamilton to take in the views at Lick Observatory, and to get some group photos. From there, we will cruise down the back side of the mountain and stop for lunch at the Junction.
    After that, the group can either drive north to Livermore, or east to Patterson/Highway 5. Both routes are equally fun.

    We'll also be giving away San Jose Sharks tickets after lunch.

    If you're on Facebook...

    This was posted in the Bay Area Thread a few weeks back, but sometimes it is hard to follow that thread for new events.
    Last edited by glycerine; 11-18-2016 at 05:49 PM.
    Current: 2014 RS5 (Daytona Gray Pearl) | Previous: 2011 A5 (Meteor Gray Pearl), 2002 A4 (Dolphin Gray)

  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings glycerine's Avatar
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    Great drive today. No rain at all. And zero traffic in our way, which was a first. Usually we have some slow car getting in the way along the route. I guess with the fear of rain today, people and bicycles stayed in, so was perfect route all the way through.

    Current: 2014 RS5 (Daytona Gray Pearl) | Previous: 2011 A5 (Meteor Gray Pearl), 2002 A4 (Dolphin Gray)

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