So.. after having some issues trying to send some log to EPL, I gathered some opinion, but I decided to make a thread to gather maybe more information/suggestion.
I got tired and asked Ross-tech.. but they got me back saying I should read FAQ and pay them 99$ for support or ask my tuner to contact them... (instead of simply.. helping me right now -.- screw them honestly! lol)
Problem ; Seems like the sample rate isn't quick enough and the data doesn't look appear to be group UDS and/or Turbo selected (although they are)
Variable that could go wrong..
1) Parameters ;
I use 10 and this is what most people use. However, I have been told to not use more than 9 actually.. I want to believe that logging 8-9 parameters could yeild better result, but how come the majority log 10 parameters without problem and which one out of the 10 should I delete ?
Group 15 - Field 0 Vehicle speed
Group 25 - Field 0 Engine speed
Group 216 - Field 0 IGA_AD_1_KNK[0]
Group 222 - Field 0 Ignition angle; actual
Group 233 - Field 0 Lambda probes actual; bank1
Group 345 - Field 0 Air mass
Group 352 - Field 0 Intake manifold pressure
Group 556 - Field 0 Intake air temperature
Group 623 - Field 0 Charge air pressure specified value
Group 625 - Field 0 RFP_AV
* I do click on Turbo and group UDS so this is not the problem..
2) Software ;
I use the latest version of Ross-tech 18.3.0 ( if I remember correctly). So that can't be it.
3) Hardware ;
I run a old 6yr old dell laptop, core2duo, 4gb ram, win7. Since I know some people had trouble flashing their EPL tune because of the computer.. I would like to think that maybe it's hardware related. ( i.e: not quick enough to process all the logging hence why it appears to not be ''turbo'')
Any though ? I have a hard time believing I'm the first one to have a problem logging :(