So about a month and a half ago my alternator died on my way home from college and i was forced to replace it at 8:30 at night in a parking lot. then two weeks later i'm driving to work and i give it a little gas and the battery light comes on and my voltage gauge drops to 12 for awhile and then the alternator completely dies. so i returned that one and got another one this being the 2nd one and again it lasted for two weeks and then it started putting out 16+ volts, now while it was doing this the battery light flashed rapidly whenever the volts would hit 16+ and the only way for me to keep the alternator from frying my battery was to turn on all of the accessories and/or hitting the gas causing the volts to hover between 12 and 15 volts. so now i'm on the third alternator and i'm starting to think that there might be some other electrical issue that's causing me to destroy alternators. Like maybe a fuse or a relay?