The heat sink prolongs the life of the o2 sensor. Sensors have a heating element to them. This is used so they don't burn out so fast. When the engine starts, components are cold...combustion is not. The heater element is there so hot exhaust gases are not heating up the sensor, instead it's own design is. It's for longevity and I recommend it if none. You see mine in the pic above. Note...kind of pricey for what it is. Try and source it for cheap.
VEI is a brand, Podi is a distributor. Winston just chooses to run with them. Person from my section works for VEI them directly. With Winston, you get great customer service. He even walked me through scaling the VEI gauge, which I run and purchased through him, when I was basically lost. Very appreciative of that, and now I understand how to scale the guage.
The VEI gauge is also universal. For example, I run a VDO oil pressure sending unit on mine and an AEM Uego wideband o2 sensor. So to answer your question, you can run other brands. But...not all are compatible and you need to find out which ones are. Once again with customer service in regards with Winston, my VEI oil pressure sensing unit crapped the bed. I have the older version and the VEI no longer makes the sending unit I require. I inquired about a VDO sending unit. He personally contacted VEI for me to find out which VDO sending unit to use. Customer service and Quality Control is a big one for me, and Winston has that.
Off topic, I remember Winston from back in the days. He had a built B6 and started his company right here on AZ as a hobby on his B6 he eventually sold. Started as a mold just for him...and now it is what it is today. Seen it start from nothing and I recommend Winston and Podi. Never had one problem with his products (he handled each and every issue very professionally) and all issues were electronic issues he had no hand in designing. I run two dual VEI gauges.
1) Boost/Vacuum & AFR
2) IAT & Oil Pressure
Want to add a third for fuel pressure and EGT.