I recently purchased a part-out Allroad. I will be putting the motor from that into my car. I can't have my DD down for very long, so I need to do a lot of work/pre-planning and perform the swap within a one week period. The part-out car has 200K. I was told that the motor was replaced (reman) at 100K, however I don't have any way of proving that. The motor does blow some (pretty foul smelling) blackish smoke when I rev it up. Never when it's just idling. I'd appreciate suggestions as to what I should look at when I pull this motor. Here's my (short) list:
1.) Timing chain guides and chains. The motor is not making any timing noise what-so-ever, but I will probably inspect/replace just to be safe.
2.) Power steering pump is whining, it is most likely original (200K) so I will replace this.
3.) A/C pump? Have read something about lubricating it in some way? Clutch inspection?
4.) I don't know how these Audi motors are constructed, but are there valve seals and should I consider replacing them? Maybe have the heads warmed over at a local shop? I would prefer to do all the work myself. If there's traditional valve seals I'll take a crack at those unless too many expensive specialty tools are needed.
Thinking I will do a compression test before I pull the motor out. Any other suggestions? Weak points of the motor etc? I'd like to buy a rebuild/repair guide if one is available.