Typically it occurs past 2000 rpm in gears 3-5 (Could be happening in lower gears but due to engine noise I can't tell).
So far I have changed fuels, used higher octanes, added octane booster (terrible idea, hate that crap), cleaned spark plugs multiple times (octane booster stained them red) and finally put in fresh NGK BKR6E's and gapped to 0.8mm. The car starts and idles fine, although the cct on both banks is quite noisy during idling as the chain sounds slack.
I am suspecting the CCT on both banks are failing as the noise of the chain is excessive. My car has also driven 180k miles, so I suspect bearing clearances to be excessive at this point in time. Oil pressure at hot idle when I last recorded was around 17 PSI, which is on the low side to me indicating clearances throughout the motor are increasing and cannot create enough oil pressure.
My question is, would failing CCT's cause the timing to change enough to ping?
Also on topic, I was finally able to connect to my ECU using vcds after trying for the last 3 years, funnily enough only while the motor is off, radio is off and aircon turned to fan speed 4 (i know this sounds retarded but trust me i've tried everything to get it to connect) The scan results are as follows:

The fuel trims are also alarming and I assume would also cause pinging.
Please help, I'm going insane trying to diagnose this with half a working VCDS