Originally Posted by
Yeah? You have a 1.8, but Im curious as to whats up with this versus the 930 that I run
For no particular reason, on 3L I used 930/21, and 940/25 on 1.8T.
I didn't read a book on it. It was on the shelf, I grabbed it, and installed it.
Oil will drip a little at first, but the engine isn't leaking.
That's because I pre-fill them as much as I can before quickly tilting it to screw it on.
Inevitably a little oil spills into the outer channel before I quickly hand-screw it on tight enough to work the seal.
I never bothered to look close at the metal it seals against for scratches, I just wipe it with a towel.
Because 1. oil is thick and 2. the outer edge is a close fit, it leaves it only a tiny space to drip out of.
So it's just remnant from a spill.
That's not the same as puncturing the filter with a screwdriver and having it spurt out oil while the car runs and losing pressure.
However I don't even know what my pressure is. Never measured it, nor do I have gauges.
Race cars have gauges of all that. Temps, pressures, etc.
All Audi gave us was
nothing really
Even new cars have it standard..
I think BMW has oil temp gauge, cuz THATS what matters when u open the throttle. Not some little water coolant.
oil lubricates piston wall.
I assume if a BMW overheats, which it shouldnt unless you put 200k mi on it and puncture the radiator with a deer,
that it will tell you with a warning sound and light, instead of the gauge that we have.
Maybe I should fit some monitors?
Or VFIZ? Expensive though.
back to filter. I may install it with a blue shop towel to keep the outside shell dry and not slippery.
Maybe even wrap with sandpaper to get a better hold on it, so I can put it precisely at the level I want.
I'm not afraid to overdo it, because the threading is big and strong. It's probably fragile metal though so I go gentle.
Just that extra couple degrees maybe?
It's not like I put a breaker bar and do 175 ft lb + 1/4 turn axle bolt torque or whatever it is.
Obviously that'd be problematic.
I wanna say I've developed a feel for the seal compressing but maybe it's wishful thinking. I also lube it with thin coat of oil. Is an actual grease better? I assume here it doesn't matter too much since 1. filter only lasts 5k and gets thrown away, 2. Mann might actually recommend/advise it, and 3. maybe the only purpose is to make it easier to remove during next change, rather than drying up (engine heat) and getting stuck.

Originally Posted by
I've never had a problem with mann or oem. If you are leaking around the gasket, try to tighten the oil filter.
In the past I've had to use channel-lock pliers to remove the oil filter... and that is putting it on 'hand-tight'.
luckily the filter is really easy to reach so i doesn't matter if you tork it down! Yee-haw!
On 1.8T I think I use sandpaper. Maybe there's a place to put a flathead screwdriver underneath to twist it. Worst case scenario maybe hammer a flathead screwdriver through it, to twist.
But 3L is much easier to access so I just use something like this, on a 3/8" ratchet. You gotta hold the tool tight over the filter though, that's just how it works. Cup your hand over it, THEN operate ratchet simultaneously with other hand.