Question for consumers and tuners..
With new options available for using a crank instead of a snout pulley for a Stage 2 single pulley - what sort of impact do you forsee?
Example: stock snout + 194 pulley yields around 3.0 vs. 2.8 pulley ratio. I believe (believe, don't know) most Stage 2 tunes are catered for a certain ratio based on the tuners preferred/proprietary pulley (most in the 2.8 range). What are the impacts to the tune, safety, longevity, etc if you went with an off the shelf Stage 2 tune but went with a higher pulley ratio crank pulley vs. the lower snout pulley ratio..
Tuners and consumers chime in.. Is it as simple as more heat + more boost bled? Or will the .2 (or .5 or .1 or whatever) difference cause more positive/negative side effects than that?
Also - is a pulley ratio a pulley ratio? Would there be any perceived change to the curve / feel using one pulley vs. the other (snout vs. crank)..
Just tossing up some new discussions since the platform is expanding and more options are available.