UPS guy drops it off last Friday. Cool!

Busy weekend, so I was not able to open the box.

Open the box this morning and it's the wrong freakin' color! I ordered black and they sent me gray.

Get a hold of the online desk (on the third try, mind you) and was told that the part I ordered didn't pass the QA check at the original location and they sourced one from a different location. Their answer for the color problem? They don't guarantee color matching...it's on their website. I had to dig for 10 minutes before I finally found it in the FAQ section.

May I return a part if it is the wrong color?
We cannot accept part returns due to color mismatches or guarantee color to match your vehicle. We sell used OEM auto parts from various makes and models, with varying color shadings and changes. Color differences may result from such factors as environmental effects and degrees of wear. Therefore we cannot guarantee a part that will fit your vehicle will also be an accurate color match. We recommend consulting with an automotive painting professional to match the used part to your vehicle’s color. We also cannot accept returned parts that have been painted after purchase.
Okay, I get it if the part is faded or whatnot, but to completely send the wrong color? Bollocks!
I requested the RA and gave them the grounds I'm completely unhappy with the part they sent (I won't put a gray console in a black interior) and because the return address they gave me is somewhat local, will likely drive the damn thing down there.

And of course, will likely have to resort to trolling craigslist for a console as I won't be sending them any more business.
