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    Established Member Two Rings DC242's Avatar
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    Ipod hook up options for Symphony II+

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    Hi all, I just purchased an '08 A4 Avant with a Symphony II+ stereo. I have an old Ipod touch 4g I want to just leave in the glove box for music which is what I did in my old B6 A4 using a Dension unit. But I have a couple questions about this in my B7.

    1) What I would ultimately like is a setup that would allow for text/song info on the head unit itself. From my research, it doesn't appear that anyone makes something that is capable of this although it seems possible if the sat radio line was used. Does anyone know of a solution to accomplish this?

    2) The car has the OE ipod dock in the glove box. If there is no way that will allow me to get text on the head unit, I would like to use the OE ipod dock since it's there and I don't care about text on the cluster MFD as I find it distracting. However when I plug my ipod in, the radio seems to recognize it and will control it (switch songs, etc) but I get no sound. Any ideas why this might be? The Ipod wont charge because of the voltage issue (12v vs 5v); is this the reason I'm also getting no sound? The car does have SAT radio, but no receiver hooked up.

    I've done a lot of searching on these two issues, and have found nothing so thought I'd post. Thanks for all the help and suggestions!

  2. #2
    Stage 2 Banner Advertiser Four Rings Christian@enfig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DC242 View Post
    Hi all, I just purchased an '08 A4 Avant with a Symphony II+ stereo. I have an old Ipod touch 4g I want to just leave in the glove box for music which is what I did in my old B6 A4 using a Dension unit. But I have a couple questions about this in my B7.

    1) What I would ultimately like is a setup that would allow for text/song info on the head unit itself. From my research, it doesn't appear that anyone makes something that is capable of this although it seems possible if the sat radio line was used. Does anyone know of a solution to accomplish this?

    2) The car has the OE ipod dock in the glove box. If there is no way that will allow me to get text on the head unit, I would like to use the OE ipod dock since it's there and I don't care about text on the cluster MFD as I find it distracting. However when I plug my ipod in, the radio seems to recognize it and will control it (switch songs, etc) but I get no sound. Any ideas why this might be? The Ipod wont charge because of the voltage issue (12v vs 5v); is this the reason I'm also getting no sound? The car does have SAT radio, but no receiver hooked up.

    I've done a lot of searching on these two issues, and have found nothing so thought I'd post. Thanks for all the help and suggestions!
    Dice used to make an interface that used the sat port but it worked so poorly that we had to stop selling it at least 5 years ago. I've never understood why people prefer the text on the radio instead of in front of their face but that's why the word opinion exists.

    There are different versions of docks and many reasons why they don't work. The IPDU is the most popular replacement for a factory iPod dock.

    Here are your options. Unless specified they replace your ipod adapter in the glove box.

    First the keys to remove the radio and/or CD changer

    1. Simple AUX

    2. AUX + 30 Pin ipod with song+/- and playlist+/- controls from radio and steering wheel controls. (no text) iPod + AUX

    3. AUX + USB for iPod iPhone with song+/- and playlist+/- controls from radio and steering wheel controls. (no text) (USB will charge android from USB but no control and audio from aux) iPod via USB + AUX

    4. AUX + 30 Pin ipod with text on cluster and full ipod browsing through steering wheel controls. iPod + Aux with song info in the cluster.
    You can swap the 30 pin ipod cable for the unit below to have a female usb for newer ipod's iphone's that use the lightning cable.
    Must be connected behind the radio so if you are using SiriusXM satillite radio you must get the part below. If you are not listening to satellite radio then the part is not needed.

    5. Wireless bluetooth for calls and audio no text. song +/- through bluetooth. USB + Bluetooth with option for iPod and aux
    You can add a 30 pin ipod cable to get charging and a little better audio.
    You can add the unit below to have a female usb for newer ipod's iphone's that use the lightning cable.
    You can add an aux to this unit.
    Must be connected behind the radio so if you are using SiriusXM satillite radio you must get the part below. If you are not listening to satellite radio then the part is not needed.

    6. Bluetooth with text, USB for ipod and memory sticks AUX with adapter below. full browsing of ipod on cluster. USB + Bluetooth aux with option for iPod that shows text.
    It is strongly recommended that you get the item below with the item above becasue it has a reset button for the few times a year it needs to be rebooted (like a computer)
    Must be connected behind the radio so if you are using SiriusXM satillite radio you must get the part below. If you are not listening to satellite radio then the part is not needed. - Audi Car Audio Integration Specialists
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    Established Member Two Rings DC242's Avatar
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    Christian, Thanks for the reply! For me, I have a 32gb ipod that I keep in the glove box and I almost never change the the song/artist. I just let it play. This means I don't need the text display for browsing or switching songs. If I'm going to have text, I'd prefer it been on the headunit because it is out of my normal driving field of vision. I find the changing text on the cluster distracting when I'm driving because it is in my field of vision. That's just my take on it.

    Anyway, thanks again for the reply and I'll probably be ordering one of the units linked above from you all soon. I have a Dension unit I got from you in my B6 and its worked great.

  4. #4
    Stage 2 Banner Advertiser Four Rings Christian@enfig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DC242 View Post
    Christian, Thanks for the reply! For me, I have a 32gb ipod that I keep in the glove box and I almost never change the the song/artist. I just let it play. This means I don't need the text display for browsing or switching songs. If I'm going to have text, I'd prefer it been on the head unit because it is out of my normal driving field of vision. I find the changing text on the cluster distracting when I'm driving because it is in my field of vision. That's just my take on it.

    Anyway, thanks again for the reply and I'll probably be ordering one of the units linked above from you all soon. I have a Dension unit I got from you in my B6 and its worked great.
    I get it alot of my customers say the same thing so I get it. I just feel that a simple glance at the cluster is easier than a complete look down at the radio. But that's why I sell both units.

    Let me know if you have nay questions. - Audi Car Audio Integration Specialists
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  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings DC242's Avatar
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    So I ended up going with the Dension GW1LAUT which connects at the glove box. However this is not going to work for me. I think there was a sat receiver installed in the car that the PO took with them, and from what I understand, no sound will be sent to the speakers from the glove box ipod harness without the sat receiver. So my question is, is there a way to bypass jumper the sat radio harnesses to address this issue? And if not, will buying the Dension GW17AC1 that connects behind the head unit solve this problem or will I continue to get no sound form an ipod hook up without a sat receiver?

    Thanks for the help!

  6. #6
    Stage 2 Banner Advertiser Four Rings Christian@enfig's Avatar
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    The car comes with that bypass from the factory and they remove it when they install the tuner at the dealership.

    Here are your behind the radio options.

    1. AUX only

    2. iPhone& Ipod through 30pin + AUX iPod + AUX

    3. iPhone& iPod through USB + AUX iPod via USB + AUX

    4. iPhone& iPod through 30pin with song info in the cluster + Aux iPod + Aux with song info in the cluster
    Adding this allows you to swap the 30pin cable that comes with the unit above for a female USB for apple products.

    5. USB for memory sticks + Bluetooth with option for iPod and aux USB + Bluetooth with option for iPod and aux
    Adding this allows you to add a female USB for apple products.
    Adding this allows you to connect an aux to the unit above.

    6. USB for Memory sticks and apple products. Bluetooth with song and call information (car must be programmed for call info).
    It is strongly recommended that you get the item below with the item above. It adds the aux and reset button. So when the unit needs a reboot you don’t have to pull the radio.

    Keys to remove the radio

    Grounding tool - Audi Car Audio Integration Specialists
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